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"Blessed are the Mares"

RF Bars Warrior Princess, Spirit Dance Ranch, Shapeshifter Miniatures

The Arabs have raised some of the most beautiful Arabian horses in the world.  And they will say an Arab's wealth is in his mares.  


Genetics are finding out that the mare contributes more to the foal than the sire.  So over 200 years of breeding to produce the best stallions while acknowledging  very little of the mares contribution is now starting on the slow cycle of change.


Secretariat was considered the best of the best in horse racing, but never produced a son quite like himself.  And why?  Secretariat was found to have an enlarged heart and stallions cannot pass this on to their sons.  Only a large hearted mare can pass this to a colt.  So while he was considered a dud as a sire,  his true worth was found in his daughters  and  her get.  With these thoughts in mind I purchased my mares with the attributes of her bloodlines.  And all but one of the mares had prior foals for me to check to see how she produced. 


So welcome to the mares of Shapeshifter Miniatures


Each mare has her own page and photos of her previous foals.


You can click on the name of each individual mare to access her page.

Future Mares

Past Mares

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